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Eco-friendly Alternatives to a Grassy Lawn Infographic

Look, we all love our lawns, but some of us want to do things a bit differently. If you are one of those people looking for an Eco-friendly alternative to a grass based lawn, this infographic has your solution!

Are there alternatives to a grass lawn?

You better bet there is! There are all kinds of alternative plants for your lawn, if you prefer something other than grass. A few alternatives to grass based lawns include; corsican mint, creeping thyme, clover, ornamental grasses, evergreen moss, and native perennial beds. 

Are there fragrant ground covers?

Are you looking for a lawn that smells as amazing as it looks?! Well then corsican mint is your alternative to grass. Corsican mint offers both a beautiful green look, and a wonderfully minty fragrance. 

Can I have a lawn made of clover?

Yes! And many people do! Although some consider clover a weed, it can actually help to cultivate a lovely lawn when properly cared for!

Can I have a moss lawn?

If you simply love the forests and moss, you can absolutely have a moss based lawn. Moss offers a year round, green lawn that won't require significant maintenance. Remember that mosses are acid loving, as opposed to grasses which prefer a neutral or slightly alkali lawn. Moss lawns do best in areas with lots of coniferous plants like pine and spruces. 

Can I have a lawn that contributes to the ecosystem around me?

If you are looking for a space that can contribute to the wildlife and native plants in your area, the perennial bed is your best bet. A perennial bed can hold wild and native perennial plants which produce flowers and food for the wildlife near you. Including the bees and birds crucial to your environment. 

Is artificial turf Eco-friendly?

Artificial turf is a hot topic when it comes to Eco-friendly lawn care. Some suggest that the complete lack of maintenance that artificial turf requires makes it Eco-friendly. However others argue that the production of artificial turf makes it not Eco-friendly. Ultimately the decision is yours!

The bottom line on Eco-friendly alternatives for your lawn! There are plenty of options, and this infographic goes in depth to take a look at several of them. If you are looking for more great lawn care tips, check out our blog. And if you need a professional lawn care company to install a new lawn for you. Reach out to the pros at GreenPal!

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