Get Lawn Care in Indianapolis, IN Today

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Indianapolis, IN as of Mar, 2025
Day on A Lawn Lawn Services in Indianapolis, IN
We provide excellent lawn care services for an affordable price. If you have been dealing with expensive lawn mowing services in Indianapolis, IN, then change the game with our lawn care company. Providing lawn care services and lawn mowing services isn't necessarily a simple business. We understand that you may not have time to do it yourself, but taking back your time should not cost you an arm and a leg.
We offer complimentary lawn care and lawn service strategy plans when you hire us. It doesn't matter if it's for lawn care, lawn service solutions, lawn maintenance, lawn mowing services, or some other lawn care job.
When you contract us for the first time for lawn care or lawn service solutions, you will get a diagnosis about your soil contents, the state of your grass, and what it is lacking. Plus, if you hire us for lawn care services and if you have any other questions you might have about your yard maintenance in Indianapolis, IN, we will answer them.
Get quality lawn care services when you hire our lawn service and lawn care company.
Getting lawn care in Indianapolis shouldn't be expensive. Finding quality lawn care shouldn't be hard to find. Lawn service in Indianapolis should be a smooth process.
Our lawn care company makes it easy to find. Not only that, getting lawn care services will be affordable thanks to us.
We have been the city’s premiere choice for cheap lawn mowing services and lawn care services near you for over five years. Plus, we have been hired hundreds of time with GreenPal for lawn care services and other lawn service work. We have been with GreenPal for some time now, and let me tell you that it has done wonders for our lawn care business.
Before, we just had to trust that someone would talk about us to their friends or do basic marketing for our lawn care company. But if you are the average person you aren’t going to blabbing about how good your lawn care company with a good lawnmower is at a party. Maybe to your family, sure, but that’s it. That’s okay by us, but now with GreenPal’s review system, people have a chance to review us for all our lawn care and lawn service projects. That’s all we can ask when you hire us for cheap lawn mowing services near you!
For quality lawn care services near you, contact us. We promise to deliver effective lawn care in Indianapolis. Lawn service treatment you will enjoy.
We have been mowing and providing a range of lawn care services further out into the city, going so far out as Rocky Ripple. In fact, we just picked up a lawn service and lawn care contract out there. So, if you live out there as well you could get a discount for hiring us to do your landscaping or deliver some other lawn care work. It is just how we do business, if we are going to be out there any way we might as well help out you guys that are nearby.
When you are ready to get the best lawn mowing services in Indianapolis, message us or look out for our free quote when you sign up for a lawn mowing or lawn care appointment!
Scenic Green Lawn Services in Indianapolis, IN
Have a problem with a tree in your yard? Need quality lawn care services? Need affordable lawn service solutions? Maybe your grass is growing as tall as your knees but you don’t have the time to mow it yourself. That is when you call our lawn service and lawn care company. We’ll take care of any “bad” yard and turn it into a fresh, cut lawn with our lawn care services. Let us take over another stress in your life, you don’t need it. It is our job to tame the wild lawns of Indianapolis, IN, one-yard mowing at a time, and it would be an honor to show you how skilled we are.
Get quality lawn care and lawn service solutions when you hire us. Our lawn care services have been rated highly in the region.
The reason? We utilize proven lawn care and lawn service practices. Techniques, tools, and lawn care services that beautify grass fast and efficiently. We reduce costs and make receiving lawn care services affordable.
For lawn care in Indianapolis that isn't expensive and done right, contact our lawn care and lawn service company.
We use nothing but industrial ride mowers, quality lawn service equipment, complete with mulching functions. That way all you gardeners can have a fresh bag of clippings in no time. We believe in protecting this earth using quality lawn care materials and the organisms that live in it. It has driven me to learn more about lawn service care, delivering effective lawn care maintenance, and everything about the outdoors and how things grow.
It sounds lame I know, but seeing progress go on for a few weeks is the best part of the lawn care job for me.
The second best part of the lawn care and lawn service job is seeing you all happy with the lawn. I know the feeling of coming home to freshly cut lawn, especially when you don’t have to do it yourself!
That’s a good feeling isn’t it? And for a cheap price, we offer the most competitive lawn care and lawn service deal in the business! You can’t compare with our years of lawn care experience and lawn service skills when we take over a lawn, even if it is currently a patch of dirt. Where there is dirt, an experienced landscaper in Indianapolis, IN, sees soil, and that is us. We are the best lawn care option for your lawn maintenance near Beech Grove, any day of the week you need us we can be there, always with the best customer service in Indianapolis, In.
What if you're not in Indianapolis? GreenPal is also your go-to for affordable lawn maintenance services in Terre Haute, IN, reliable yard care experts in Noblesville, IN, and trusted landscapers in Carmel, Indiana. We're your neighborly lawn care connector, and we're branching out across Indiana!
Rock Solid Lawn Services in Indianapolis, IN
Spend your day anywhere else but your front yard! Spending beautiful days like this mowing the lawn is my job, not yours. When you know that the lawn needs to be cut, don’t think it has to be you! Our lawn care company, Rock Solid, is here to handle any part of the lawn you need taking care of. Whether it is the grass, hedges, or trees that need taken care of, Rock Solid is the lawn maintenance crew for you.
I have over twenty years of lawn care experience in Indianapolis, IN. I understand what it takes to grow everything from fruit trees to kale, bermuda to bluegrass, and I can help you get there.
No matter what kind of lawn care services you need, our lawn care company can help. We provide effective lawn service work. The type of professional lawn service in Indianapolis that really enhances your property.
These lawn care services are followed by some of the most successful lawn care and lawn service companies in the entire country.
What would cost you thousands of dollars more, you can hire our lawn care company for a lot less.
Some of my most fun lawn service and lawn care jobs I get are what I call scratch to patch jobs. That is when the worst of the worst lawns come out to me for help. I am not kidding when I say they are my favorite, because that is when I can really show you what I can do.
Call me up or message me any day of the week for lawn care work. Our lawn care company will get back to you by the end of the day. My lawn care business is mowing grass and providing quality lawn care services. It is not a side job. So you can expect me to always be ready to schedule a new lawn mowing or lawn care appointment with you.
If you are having trouble tracking me down, I also have a business phone number on our lawn care and lawn service profile. Some rare emergencies they are, but it is safe to have it anyway.
I also offer discounts to the military and special circumstances with other homeowners, so don’t forget to ask! I live in Southport right now, but I have gone as far as Beech Grove to mow lawns. My thing is that if it is in Indianapolis, I’ll go out to it. The only time I have had to say no is when someone from downtown Indianapolis called me. It was tempting to go in and enjoy the city for a while, but I know I could have made better lawn care and lawn service appointments here.
Fireman Bell's Pro Lawn Services in Indianapolis, IN
If you have been looking for lawn care contractors for a while you have seen my company. We advertise on Craigslist, the Thrifty Nickel and a few other magazines for lawn care services in Indianapolis, IN. I say this because we have long been an established lawn care company in Indianapolis, IN, hands down. There isn’t a neighborhood here that hasn’t seen our lawn care services, not even the smaller ones like Meridian-Kessler. See what I mean? A fake lawn mower wouldn’t even know where Meridian-Kessler is.
For quality lawn care services, contact us. We provide lawn care services and lawn mowing services for all kinds of properties.
I speak the truth, I know how to grow and mow the grass right to perfection. With California’s mild weather year round there is no excuse not to have beautiful green grass. If you need help getting there, I can help.
A lot of people think that mowing grass is just cutting it. But that can’t be farther from the truth. You could feed your grass the best plant food in the world, but if you are not cutting your grass right it is all for nothing. If you know anything about plants, you know that trimming the leaves and stems does a lot more than make it smaller. The plant reacts to this stress by growing stronger and faster, it is their instinct. If you are to do this with grass, and cut it just barely enough to stress it out, but not only will you get a clean lawn for a few days, after two weeks you will see stronger grass!
A cheap lawn mower in Indianapolis, IN will not give this to you. Sure, you could save a few bucks going with affordable lawn mowing in Indianapolis, but what you want is someone who understands how to make your yard better. That is me, and I think my past experience and profile speak to that.
Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:
Some of the local lawn care companies providing local lawn mowing services in Indianapolis, IN will take their getting back to you, but other than that GreenPal is pretty useful. I don’t know how many people actually use local lawn care and local lawn maintenance in Indianapolis, In like I do, but if you do it helps a lot. I got into the habit of calling this landscaper in Fountain Square near me, but it turned into a game of phone tag with him. I was giving him business but he didn’t make much of an effort to take my money. It seems like GreenPal’s guys are on the ball, but that just might be the harsh review system they have. I still like it though, They provide good lawn care services and it is honest.
The last time I contracted someone to take over my lawn care chores and yard maintenance in Indianapolis was when I lived there. I was in Smith Valley and there were tons of options for cheap lawn mowing services near me, but I moved further out to the suburbs and it isn’t as populated. However, GreenPal did help me find someone close-sih enough for me so I’m happy about it. I was afraid since GreenPal is so new it wouldn’t have local lawn care near me and landscape maintenance near me. Indianapolis is a big place, so I’m sure someone would have come out to me, but the fact that Sam is already out here makes it a lot easier. I appreciate his help every time he comes over.
I use GreenPal a lot actually! Since I started renting out homes throughout the city GreenPal has been a huge save. When the tenants call about the lawn, i just take five minutes to schedule something. The process is so fast that everyone is happy. I hardly have a problem with any of the guys, they’ve been professional. It helps that you guys have more affordable lawn mowing prices, even if it is a few bucks cheaper. I was so used to paying sixty bucks a mow from a landscaping guy near the Irvington Historic District. Thirty bucks was a Godsend!
The system works pretty good, nothing too fancy. It is more of a meat and potatoes kind of thing, which I like because it is easy to move around the app. I don’t too much on it, I just tried out a few local lawn care services in Indianapolis, In before I left for a vacation in the summer. I know how bad Indianapolis gets in the summer, and especially out where I am in Cartersburg and I can’t afford to hire someone for lawn care services. Fireman Bell's Pro got in touch and they seemed like the best option, and we set something up. I’m on way home soon but so far from the pictures they have sent me every week have been promising. I’m sure I’ll be happy with the results when I see it in person.
Not in Indianapolis, IN?
Here are GreenPal’s lawn service areas
How long did it take you to contract a cheap lawn mower the last time? If it took you more than an hour you are wasting thirty minutes of your life. GreenPal can connect you not only to the same landscapers in Indianapolis, IN you are probably looking for, but it can do it faster and cheaper.
Instead of seeking out every local lawn mower in your area going as far south in Indianapolis as Greenwood, we have made a platform that no serious lawn maintenance can pass on. That is because we have brought the clients they are looking for to the same space.
On GreenPal, you can put your offer out for a lawn mowing appointment the minute you log on. After specifying your date and what you need, the best landscape maintenance in Indianapolis, IN will reach out to help you out. By the morning, your inbox will be full of free quotes for lawn mowing and the like.
Need a tree removed? Some problem branches that are in the way? GreenPal can also connect you to the best professionals in the area. Because GreenPal’s review system is tied to a transaction, you can hunt for the best tree removal service in town. Some people in Indianapolis have found local lawn mowing as far north as Homecroft and dead center of Arsenal Heights just from reading reviews!
These vendors are more than just your next contractors for cheap lawn mowing, they might very well be your last. Countless of people already on GreenPal have found their reliable lawn mower for the rest of the season.
GreenPal understands that lawn care is a year-round thing, so we make it easier to pay and contract the best landscape maintenance in Indianapolis, In. From now on, contracting lawn care will be as easy as ordering an Uber, and with our security systems in place you have nothing to fear about getting scammed.
We use a rigorous interview process that no scammer can get past. Every company is harshly vetted and screened, and only after passing every review can they begin to seek your business on our website. How good does that sound?
This is how lawn care in Indianapolis, IN should be taken care of. Ready to join? Signing up takes no time at all, and we only need basic information like an email and an address of where you are going to want your lawn care. That’s it!
Not in Indianapolis ?
GreenPal also covers these nearby cities

Terre Haute
West Chester
West Chester
Forest Park
Fort Wayne
White Oak
GreenPal offers nearby lawn maintenance services in these Indianapolis Zip Codes
Other areas GreenPal offers nearby Lawn Care
About Indianapolis Indiana
Indianapolis is a city in Indiana, United States.

The etymology of Indianapolis, Indiana’s name is quite simple. Unlike the naming of towns by their geographic location or whichever business tycoon laid waste to the environment, Indianapolis is no more than the Greek-manipulation of the word Indiana. The suffix -polis alters the name to mean “Indiana City.” According to several accounts including the city website, Jeremiah Sullivan, a former justice of Indiana’s Supreme Court, is credited with the name.
Indianapolis, IN. The founding of the city wasn’t much longer after the turn of the nineteenth century. In 1816, Indiana gained statehood was given four sections of federal land to establish city government.
It didn’t take more than two years before Indiana began growing its territory. In the Treaty of St. Mary’s, the Delaware tribe gave up their tribal lands to make up central Indiana and promised to leave the area by 1821. This deal was called the New Purchase and to this day, historians are unsure whether the Miami and Delaware tribes gave up their land willingly or forcefully. This grabbing of new land encouraged settlers to move to the area, in hopes to cultivate fresh land and to establish a nice piece of land for family building. Many of the first settlers were Protestants, but a majority of the Indiana community at the time were Irish and German Catholic immigrants.
The Civil War history is still alive today, and some of the city’s best architectural features happen to come after the Civil War. The Soldiers’ and Sailors Monument was dedicated to the soldiers that fought in the War. It has become the city’s most well-known monument. Indianapolis in fact was a huge piece of the puzzle for the Underground Railroad. It was one of the many stops for runaway slaves during their movement further north. On the flip side of this amazing fact, however, the city did have strains of racism. The Indiana Klan became a huge power of
Today, Indianapolis has many aspects of tourism and economy that make it a popular place in which to live. Thousands of people flock to Indianapolis Motor Speedway, where the city holds the famed race Indianapolis 500, also called the Indy 500. It remains the capital and the most populous city in the state of Indiana as well as the most populous city of Marion County.