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Seasonal Lawn Care Tips for a Greener Lawn

Having that lush green lawn takes a lot of work. But you can save a lot of time if you take the right lawn care steps during the right times of the year. This infographic shows you which steps to take during each season of the year. 

What lawn care tips should I perform in the spring?

In the spring you want to start cutting the lawn regularly. Be sure to leave the grass clippings in the lawn for maximum nutrition. Additionally, you will want to apply a spring fertilizer mix, kill any weeds with an herbicide, and have your soil tested. 

What steps should I take to care of my lawn in the summer?

In the summer the heat of the sun will be one of the biggest concerns your lawn will face. You will want to water your lawn regularly, keep the weeds at bay, and mow a little higher so that your lawn can retain water a bit better. 

What steps should I take to care of my lawn in the fall?

In the fall as the leaves start to come down, you will need to do a lot more to maintain your lawn. For one, you will want to continue moving on a regular schedule, fill in the bare patches of the lawn, fertilize your lawn for the winter, and aerate your lawn

What lawn care tips do I need to take in the winter to care for my grass? 

In the winter you can mostly relax. But you will want to be sure that you have removed the fall leaves, and followed the proper steps in the fall for best results. Most importantly you should not walk on your lawn if it has snow on it. This can damage your lawn and promote the growth of mold. 

At the end of the day lawn care is a seasonal practice. By following the simple seasonal lawn care strategies in this infographic, you can take proper care of your lawn all year round. This infographic is brought to you by AAA Trees

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