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Greenhouse 101: The Ultimate Greenhouse Infographic

Looking for a great infographic on greenhouses? Well, look no further. This infographic has tons of great info on greenhouses, and how you can save energy, and grow better plants as well. Without further ado, let's dive in! 

What are the parts of a greenhouse?

There are several parts of a greenhouse that work together to provide the ultimate indoor growing environment? Well,  some of these parts are an autovent, a louver vent, gutters and water collection systems, staging, shelving, and roof vents. Each works together to create the ideal place to grow food.

What are beneficial plants to have in my greenhouse?

There are 4 plants you should definitely put in your greenhouse for optimal results. These plants include dill, borage, marigolds, and mint. 

Look, these 4 plants will help keep all kinds of pests out of your garden beds. For example, marigolds are well renowned for repelling a wide range of bugs and are even more effective at doing so indoors as the scent they produce can build up in the greenhouse. It gets even better though! Marigolds not only smell amazing, you can also harvest the flowers for a variety of medicinal uses. 

What are some beneficial bugs for your greenhouse?

Some of the beneficial bugs you want to encourage in your greenhouse are worms, ladybugs, damsel bugs, and bumblebees. 

What are some of the most common shapes of greenhouses? 

There are several traditional forms of greenhouses, these include; the dome, slant-leg, A-frame, gable roof, gothic arch, hip roof, and the post and rafter.  

What are some ways to save energy in my greenhouse?

There are a few great ways to save energy with your greenhouse. These include wind and solar power, geo-heating, creating a pit greenhouse, and collecting water. and even compost heating! You could also use a wood stove if you have plenty of wood to burn.

Greenhouses are a tremendous thing, especially in colder areas of the country. They allow us to grow food all year long, and with so many types to choose from, it can get overwhelming. But this infographic can help you find out what type of greenhouse you should build. This infographic was created by visit them for more great info. And in the meantime share this infographic with your friends and family so they can benefit from the info too. 

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