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Living Soil Versus Dead Soil- Why soil matters to the environment

There is an entire world beneath your feet. Not just the world itself, but the world under the soil. Healthy soil is loaded with healthy fungi, bacteria, and microorganisms that make your lawn and garden thrive. But when the soil is mistreated, the soil itself dies, and so does  anything that is growing within it. So what is the difference between living and dead soil? This infographic has everything you need to know,

What makes a soil healthy?

A healthy soil contains earthworms, residue, microbes, and cover crops.

Why are cover crops important?

Cover crops build a healthy soil by retaining moisture, fertilizing the soil, and increasing the soil's biodiversity.

What kills a healthy soil?

A healthy soil can be killed by being bare with no cover crops, containing too many chemicals, being invaded by pests, or by erosion.

Why is bare soil bad for soil?

Bare soil is bad for the same reason that cover crops are so important. Bare soil can not retain moisture, and therefore nothing can live in it including both plants and underground organisms. Worst of all, a bare soil can erode away, along with all the nutrients it carries.

How can I turn a dead soil healthy again?

First and foremost you will want to start with a cover crop such as clover, or grass. Once the cover crop has been successfully established you can fertilize with organic fertilizer and add organic matter. Soon you can till your cover crop into the soil and start gardening the way you want.

How do I get rid of pests?

Well, it all depends on the type of pests you are experiencing. There are many methods of pest control. From buying predatory insects to using organic pesticides. Here is more information on getting rid of pests organically.

Your Green Pal emphasizes the importance of living soil for a thriving lawn and garden. Healthy soil teems with fungi, bacteria, and microorganisms, essential for plant growth. Key to this is the presence of earthworms, residue, microbes, and cover crops, which enhance soil health by retaining moisture, enriching it, and boosting biodiversity. Conversely, bare soil, excessive chemicals, pests, and erosion can degrade soil quality. Reviving dead soil involves planting cover crops, using organic fertilizers, and adding organic matter. 

Pest control varies, but organic methods are recommended. This guide highlights the need for nurturing living soils to maintain vibrant outdoor spaces.  Be sure to share this infographic with your friends and family so that we can all have healthier lawns and gardens!

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