Get Lawn Care in Homestead, FL Today

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Homestead, FL as of Feb, 2025
Fuentes Lawn Services in Homestead, FL
Here is a quick question for you: what is it about your backyard or front yard that you want to change? Is it a problem tree that is too overgrown, maybe just in the way? Do you have overgrown vines that are covering the beautiful stone to your house, or maybe it is just an infestation of weeds?
Whatever it is you want done to your home, know that you are reading the bio of the very landscape maintenance service in Homestead, Fl for the job. We have over fifteen years of experience cutting grass, more if you count our teenage years doing it for free for our parents.
One of my most favorite jobs, besides even the smoothest days when we have a row of houses in the same neighborhood who asked for lawn mowing, are the jobs where someone reaches out to us with a less than pretty lawn. I am talking just dirt patches on the property.
They are my favorite because we can really show what we are capable when it comes to growing grass. Sure, we cut a mean lawn, but if we can show you the before and after pictures of our old jobs, you wouldn’t hire anyone else! We are able to get a lawn looking so clean you could swear it was part of the Everglades. Are you looking for that kind of commitment to your lawn mowing? If you are, then look out for our name as you ask for lawn mowing, you can be sure that if you are in Homestead we are going to be reaching out to you with our best prices!
Absolute Lawn Services in Homestead, FL
Look, we know that sometimes you just want to be lazy. With all the tons of jobs and tasks and things to do between work and school and chores, there are times you just want to hire out. I am not sure if something like that exists for students, but as far as lawn mowing goes, we are right here when you need us!
So stop worrying about making time for your yard, hire someone whose whole day revolves around a lawn mower. With our prices, you can afford to pitch a couple bucks our way if it means spending more time with your family. Take them to Knaus Berry Farm with all the free time!
We can guarantee that by the time you get home you will have a clean, sharp looking yard. Unlike a lot of cheap lawn mowers in Homestead, FL, we offer the whole job from start to finish. That means our “lawn mowing” price on GreenPal means more than just showing up and cutting the grass. We clean up after ourselves, and leave some notes for future lawn care, if that is the way you want to go.
We believe it is time to hire a landscape maintenance service in Homestead, Fl that does more than what they are hired for. We do the job until the job is done and your home is looking like it needs no improvements. In fact, if you are not happy with the job we have done, let us know and we will make it right. How many other landscapers can tell you as much?
Tony's Lawn Services in Homestead, FL
If you have tried to hire a cheap lawn mower in Homestead, you know what I am about to talk about. Even if you haven’t had this happen to you, listen in, because it can happen to everyone:
Have you ever had a good looking prospect from Craigslist or wherever to come mow your yard for cheap, only to find that your money is gone and the lawn has been mowed? Back when I first started working for a yard maintenance company, they told me to watch out for even thinking about a move like this. For starters, they showed how easy it is to track down a “random” posting on Craigslist, and I don’t care how crisp the fifty dollar bill might be, losing your life to prison is not worth it.
It happens all the time actually, and not just lawn mowers. I have friends who hired maids through the internet and left the money in an envelope for them after the job was done. Of course, once they found out where the money was hidden they would take it and disappear into the night.
It is time to hire someone reliable, especially with something as delicate as reliable lawn care in Homestead, Fl. It is hard to feel comfortable through the internet, but that is why we take such care to makes sure our profile on GreenPal is always updated with our most recent work. Even this bio I had to sit down and write myself, even if the only reason I didn’t pursue a business career was to get away from the keyboard.
We make sure to hire respectable employees as well. You can count on us to train even the most experienced lawn mower in the ways how we handle our business. There is a certain way to go about this, even when providing lawn care services to someone you know, that makes everyone on either side feel at ease. We do this for customer service and to make you more comfortable about inviting a stranger into your home.
If I have to sit a while at the computer to promote my lawn care service in Homestead, Fl, then so be it. We offer travelling services throughout all of Homestead and the surrounding communities, but our base of operations has been near Saunders Middle School, that is the best I can tell you. So if you are anywhere near us, or just want the best cheap lawn mowing in Homestead, then you know exactly who to call!
Goldroot Lawn Services in Homestead, FL
I know there are tons of options for the best lawn maintenance in Homestead, Fl, from basic standard mowing to the whole nine yards, and I am no different. Like my colleagues, I have been mowing lawns for ages now, and can safely say that there is not one neighborhood in this city that I haven’t mowed. During the summers, I mow at least twenty lawns a week, a lot of them repeat customers from past years, so just by going off that you should know I am a pretty solid company.
As far as my craftsmanship goes, it is the best you can find for my price. Although I would rather not put a price on my craft, the price you will find on our profile is the best number you can come up with (other than a million dollars, of course).
We offer this rate because we believe in longevity over quick work. I personally believe that because yard maintenance in Homestead is a pretty big industry, especially with all the beautiful homes that keep coming up, landscaping isn’t something you get annually and don’t think about again. That would be amazing, imagine places like Biscado Park getting a yearly mowing and staying beautiful all year long?
Unfortunately it does not work like that, and the cleanest, greenest looking grass in the city means that there is a landscaper hard at work on it every day. Mowing the grass, treating the soil, watering it, fertilizing it, people don’t realize how much work goes into green grass! It is a lot more than mowing it, to be honest, but it is a place I would no rather be!
Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:
We have had some bad experiences with hiring contractors, but you guys have held up pretty well so far. The last guy we hired completely ruined our bushes. We were not home when it happened, buy when we got home from work we noticed the bush’s trunks were rammed a few times. We asked the lawn mower what happened and he didn’t fess up, but then later in the month we noticed the bushes were going yellow. The absolutely ruined our yard, but I was so mad he just didn’t fess up and help us fix it. That was what was really annoying. We let that guy go and tried GreenPal after all, and the yard maintenance guy we hired was amazing, he came out from Modello Wayside Park to fix our bushes in no time. By the end of the spring they were already back to blooming.
What I really like about the website is the fact that I don’t have to do much to look for the best deals. Since you just have us put our date and time for lawn mowing, I can do other things and expect some of the best lawn maintenance in Homestead, Fl to be delivered to me. I feel so fancy too every time I open my inbox after a scheduled appointment to see a few companies reach out. It has been hard before, yes, because we had one dedicated maintenance guy for our home, but after he moved out of the city it took us forever to find a replacement. When we did, it was overpriced, in my opinion, but it worked out because he didn’t have to travel very far. He lived right by us near Winchester Gardens Park. But when we found how many more options we had through GreenPal, we signed up right away to try it out.
Yes, I would say GreenPal is definitely worth it. It figures as much to use it, since you guys are working with both sides of the market to meet each other. I cannot tell you how many times I got frustrated with the phonebook because the numbers that they listed were either defunct or they just didn’t answer. Maybe for other parts of the service industry it would work, but as far as I know the people who own local lawn mowing services in Homestead, Fl have very few employees. If anything, all the yard mowing is done by the CEO. I live out by Palm Land Park, so I have not found too many hard times finding someone to mow my lawn, so I am thankful for that, but I would not have found them at all without your help. So thanks for saving me a few bucks!
I don’t use GreenPal for my home personally, because I live in an apartment, but my leasing firm does almost all the time. We have properties throughout the country, but especially in Florida we have to hire a grass cutting company for almost every property out there, as if we were the Waterstone Grand. The yards grow back fast, definitely, but it is more for aesthetic purposes. You would be amazed at how much the bookings jump once they see the yard is kept clean. Maybe it is just in Florida, but lawn care is a big industry, but it wasn’t until GreenPal that we could really exploit it. It took forever for us to find a reliable landscape maintenance service in Homestead, Fl, and the companies we did find were way over our budget. With GreenPal, we are able to find cheap lawn mowers in Homestead, Fl within a few minutes.
Not in Homestead, FL?
Here are GreenPal’s lawn service areas
When it comes to finding local yard maintenance in Homestead, Fl, your options are pretty limited. Even if it is in 2017, very few local lawn mowers and yard maintenance companies take the time to put themselves online or establish an online presence through social media. They would much rather leave flyers or their business cards throughout the neighborhood and hope for a call.
Although it is very admirable to say off the internet, that leaves the people on the other side of the industry, the consumer, in the dark. If you don’t happen to live in the area these lawn maintenance companies in Homestead, Fl are working in, you might not get a chance to see them. On the same side of the coin, the best landscaping in Homestead, Fl might never be seen in a few neighborhoods because all their business comes from the area they walk around.
That leaves a huge problem for lawn care. For starters, some neighborhoods will never find the best deals in lawn care near them, if only because their best options are too far removed. What is worse is that these companies, who are professional yard maintenance men and amazing lawn mowers, miss out on a lot of business.
We at GreenPal sought to resolve this issue. We know all too well how hard it is to find new clients. Back in college (in fact, in order to pay for college and have the right to say something like “back in college”) we were our own lawn mowing company. It was how we fed ourselves, if we are being completely honest with you. And we know all too well how hard it is to find new clients if we didn’t see them face to face on their way out of the house. We thought there had to be a better way to connect lawn mowing services in Homestead, Fl to the client. It turns out there was, and that answer is GreenPal.
GreenPal is single-handedly the most secure option to contracting affordable yard mowing in Homestead, Fl. No more will you have to look through old phonebooks or wait to pass by a truck on the road. With GreenPal, the most work you will have to do is use the internet, that is all. In fact, the most work you do on the website is tell us which day you would like a cheap lawn mowing. After that, it is all up to the lawn care services in Homestead, Fl to reach out to you for your business.
See how quickly this can help you out find the best deal? Without a service like this, the offer right in front of you is the best option. But with GreenPal, landscape maintenance companies in Homestead, Fl with no contract will be reaching out to you. Your only job is to choose one and go forward from there.
This city page is specifically for Homestead, FL, from Leisure City to just about the Homestead Speedway, so if you are looking for another suburb of Miami, you can find some at the bottom of the page.
We completely understand your troubles with a service like this. Sites like Craigslist, with their occasional scams (some of them even pretending to be cheap lawn mowing services) it is hard to tell whether GreenPal will keep your information safe. And on that note we can assure you.
GreenPal uses a rigorous interview process and has a few litmus tests in place to weed out even the most professional of con artists. Before any local lawn mower or full-scale yard maintenance company in Homestead, Fl can start using our website, they have to submit to a lengthy application process. This entails equipment checks, business credit checks, interviews with past clients, and of course a run through of how exactly they handle their business and mow lawns.
It does take time, but it is all worth it when we open up our emails to find a big fat zero where our complaints get filed. It is a lengthy process, but as every lawn mowing service in Homestead, Fl knows, anyone with a lawn mower can technically be a landscaping company in Homestead, Florida. It is just a matter of good advertising and a few clients around the neighborhood. Those may get some time on GreenPal, but if their work ethic is not up to par, they are quickly removed. You will find that some of the best companies in the city are also on GreenPal. It just makes sense to go to the one place on the internet where people are actively looking for yard maintenance.
GreenPal takes less than a few minutes to sign up, and requires little more than your email and the address where you want lawn mowing. After that, companies will be reaching out to you with their best price. We believe that this is how lawn care should be handled! Welcome aboard!
Not in Homestead ?
GreenPal also covers these nearby cities

Dania Beach
Ives Estates
Hallandale Beach
Country Walk
Golden Glades
Richmond West
South Miami Heights
Kendall West
Miami Lakes
Glenvar Heights
West Little River
Sunny Isles Beach
Cutler Bay
Coral Terrace
The Crossings
The Hammocks
Cooper City
Kendale Lakes
GreenPal offers nearby lawn maintenance services in these Homestead Zip Codes
Other areas GreenPal offers nearby Lawn Care
About Homestead Florida
Homestead is a city in Florida, United States.

Homestead, Florida is part of the Miami-Dade County area of the state of Florida, United States. It is snug right between the Biscayne National park and the Everglades National Park, two of Florida’s most pristine and natural wildlife parks. Although it is a part of Dade County, the state of Florida considered Homestead to be a part of the Miami suburb system first, and then a major agricultural area. Unlike some of the smaller communities in Miami, Homestead, Florida is considered to be a principal city of the Miami metropolitan area.
Miami holds the title for the oldest city in Dade County, but Homestead is the second oldest. It also did not receive its name from the main developer, whether from narcissistic reasons or to honor their religion. Instead, Homestead was named so because of its lack of name during the construction of the Florida East Coast Railway extension that was passing through Key West.
Since construction materials and opportunities for homesteading were the only things in sight, most of the workers decided to label the area as Homesteading Country whenever they arrived. That was the only way to describe the area. So, when city officials had come in to officially recognize the area as a town and city of Miami, they went with Homestead. In fact, it was the engineers of the trains that named the area Homestead, if only just for mapping and location purposes.
Today, Homestead boasts a population of sixty thousand, at least, sixty thousand was the population during that last census in 2010. Homestead, Florida has a high population density, coming in close to four thousand per square mile. Almost seventy percent of the population considers themselves Caucasian, while sixty-two present consider themselves Hispanic. One of the more entertaining facts about the area, however, lies with its ties to NASCAR. Monster Energy’s Cup Series finale is held at Homestead’s racetrack, as do a few minor NASCAR championships.