Landscaping Kansas City, MO Services and Maintenance

Here are the Best Landscaping Services in Kansas City, MO as of Mar, 2025

Rush Cuts Lawn Care Lawn Services in Kansas City
Rush Cuts Landscaping in Kansas City MO is a local leader in landscape maintenance. They add beauty and curb appeal while providing essential landscaping for residential and commercial outdoor spaces. Their team of professionals are experts at creating landscape design, with experience in a variety of client projects. Essentials include trimming, edging, and pruning of trees, shrubs, and plants, along with maintaining flower gardens. In addition, they are ready to replace or install sod, mulch, or rock formations. Tasks such as auditing the soil and double checking for stray branches are a part of their services, whether on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis.
Gutter Cleaning
Soil Audits
Pest Control
Outdoor living space
Landscape Design
Patop Installation
Waste Handling
Deep Cleaning
Landscaping Maintenance
Rush Cuts Landscaping in Kansas City MO remains a popular choice for landscape maintenance in and around the Jackson County region.W We also serve the Kansas side from our Overland Park location. We specialize in providing the essentials in order to work within budget and on schedule. Whether on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly plan, or an as needed basis, we handle the cultivating, trimming, edging, and pruning for your entire outdoor living space. To our team of fully licensed and insured professionals, it is also about planning and anticipating so that we can eliminate problems before they happen.
Soil and Sod Experts
For example, our soil audits sometimes reveal the need to re-sod an area to prevent overly dry or soggy conditions from ruining the curb appeal of the property. Sometimes we help by installing soil to slope an area to help with absorbing moisture or drainage. Or, we might need to install mulch or gravel to replace problem soil or to help with the flow of moisture to a drain or away from a sidewalk or driveway. We can also take on additional watering during the Summer season if needed.
Another of our specialties is exterior lighting. It can make a big difference to have an entrance way or driveway with lighting along the side for safety and beauty. Attractive lighting on the side(s) of a home can also add a layer of security, especially when designed and installed by a team of professionals. The varied climate in the Kansas City MO and KS area also creates specific times of the year to cultivate or replace specific varieties of trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers.
Maintaining Grill Area, Patio, Play Area
Our crew works with a wide variety of scenarios, also including grill or fire pit areas, play areas for the kids and pets, and a pond or fountain. We are available to provide a free no obligation consultation at your property, or you can hire us directly through the GreenPal App!

Yard Boss Lawn Services in Blue Springs
Yard Boss Landscaping in Kansas City MO serves the region with landscape maintenance and yard clean-up services on a scheduled or “as needed” basis. They serve many communities including Olathe, Independence, Shawnee, Blue Springs, and Overland Park. In addition to landscape maintenance for plants, trees, shrubs, and flowers, they also specialize in complete yard cleanup. The range is from leaf removal and gutters and downspouts to picking up stray twigs and branches to waste hauling. Power washing services are also available, including for a garage, storage shed, and the interior. Other services include gutter cleaning, pest control, and seasonal soil audits.
Gutter Cleaning
Landscape Design
Outdoor Living space
Landscape Maintainence
Patio Installation
Irrigation System
Soil Audit
Weed Removal
Yard Boss provides reliable landscaping throughout the Kansas City MO and Kansas City KS region from our headquarters in Blue Springs. We do our best to have our team of professionals ready to serve you, whether with scheduled landscape maintenance or as needed throughout the year. The fact that we also specialize in yard clean-up, including waste hauling, allows us to completely enhance the beauty and curb appeal for your entire outdoor living space. Some of our clients love it when we can remove debris from the garage or shed area, re-sod the soggy areas near downspouts, and/or power wash the driveway, sidewalks, or even the sides of the house itself. Ask about our Spring Cleaning and Fall Cleanup plans.
Pest Control & Weed Removal
In addition, our crew makes it a point to remove stray twigs or branches, as well as watching for weeds and pests. We are well aware of how a branch hanging over a walkway can actually be a potential hazard, and we take care of any such issues. Leaf removal and soil audits are also a part of our services. Over the years, and with the varied Kansas City climate, we occasionally find a dried out or soggy area, which we can easily replace. This is all in addition to the cultivating, trimming, and pruning we take care of throughout the surroundings.
* Weed Removal
* Soil Audits
* Cultivating
Our Landscape Design service can also help with saving money on maintenance throughout the year. For example, we can plant mulch or install a rock garden to help with absorbing or flowing of moisture within the property. The result is having less lawn to mow or plants or flowers to maintain. In addition, we can install and maintain a fountain or bird bath to enhance the curb appeal of your property. You can schedule us for a free consultation at your property, or hire us today through the GreenPal App!

Logan Total Lawncare Lawn Services in Olathe
Logan Total Lawncare Landscaping serves the entire Kansas City MO region with a variety of landscape maintenance services. They serve communities such as Lenexa, Roeland Park, Grandview, Raytown, Sugar Creek, and many others in addition to both the Missouri and Kansas portions of Kansas City itself. As a full service landscaper, their services also include aeration, mulching, and providing retaining walls, whether to improve the operation of the property, its curb appeal, or both. Their staff of fully insured professionals are also background checked, providing their valued clients with added assurance. They are available for a free no obligation estimate and can be hired directly through the GreenPal App.
Soil Audits
Pest Control
Outdoor Living Space
Landscape Design
Waste Handling
Weed Removal
Gutter Cleaning
Deep Cleaning
Landscape Maintainence
Logan Total Lawncare Landscaping provides affordable landscaping in Kansas City MO and vicinity, including Olathe. We provide a complete line of services for residential and commercial properties, ranging from essential landscape maintenance to landscape design, aeration, mulching, and providing retaining walls. Our scheduled plans range from daily (for commercial properties) to weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly while we work within your budget.
Aeration and Irrigation Systems
Unlike many other landscapers, we place a greater emphasis on aeration. Benefits include improving turf health, reducing thatch build-up, relieving soil compaction, and reducing water runoff and puddles. We offer a guarantee for the retaining walls we install, in addition to the beauty and curb appeal they add. We can do so because of the Premium AB3 material we use for the base. When it comes to planting mulch, we are very meticulous with planning for your property, including offering a variety of color choices, whether to match your property, your taste, or both. Choose from Copper Red, Black, or Java. If you prefer, we will plant or cedar mulch. Either way, we make sure to plant smooth surfaces.
Commercial and Industrial Properties Landscaping
For residential developments and commercial properties, we include use of large equipment when needed to maintain larger projects or areas. Examples include handling entire townhouse, condo, or apartment complexes, including the perimeter, courtyards, common areas (pool, mail area, clubhouse, etc.), lobbies, gardens, and parking areas. For commercial and industrial properties, we can also provide deep cleaning and waste hauling services to supplement construction or upgrades, or as part of our scheduled landscape maintenance requirements. If additional watering or replanting services are needed, we can easily add to your plan. In addition, we offer seasonal services such as gutter cleaning, weed removal, and pest control, utilizing environmentally friendly herbicides and pesticides. You can request a free no obligation estimate at your property to be conveniently scheduled, or you can hire us directly through the GreenPal App!
Reside outside of the Kansas City? No worries. GreenPal has a vast network that extends its services. If you're situated in Independence, Missouri or in search of lawn care services near Summit, Missouri, GreenPal has you covered.

Tidd Lawn Llc Lawn Services in Kansas City
Tidd Lawn LLC Landscaping in Kansas City MO provides essential landscape design and landscape maintenance. They work in numerous communities, including Randolph, Claycomo, Riverside, Blue Summit, Sugar Creek, Winnwood, Birmingham, and many more. Their services are designed to enhance the curb appeal of a property, while providing the necessary services such as trimming, pruning, and edging of trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers throughout the entire outdoor living space. Added services include gutter cleaning, pest control, weed removal, and soil audits. For larger residential and commercial properties, they can also help with indoor areas such as a lobby or common area.
Irrigation System
Soil Audit
Gutter Cleaning
Pest Control
Landscape Design
Outdoor Living Space
Landscape Maintainence
Weed Removal
Tidd Lawn LLC Landscaping serves Kansas City MO, KS, and the Jackson County region and beyond with landscape maintenance and landscape design. We are located in Independence. Our licensed and insured team of professionals takes pride in cultivating, trimming, edging, and pruning of everything from trees and shrubs to plants and flowers throughout the outdoor living space. This includes removal of spent or expired plants and shrubs, and replanting at the most appropriate time(s) of year. Scheduled landscape maintenance services also include seasonal tasks such as gutter cleaning, weed removal, pest control, and power cleaning.
Complete Landscaping For Larger Properties
One example is the driveway. We carefully perform the edging, planting mulch or rock formations if necessary, to provide a professional look while helping to avoid grass or weed from growing out while assisting with drainage and the flow of moisture. We use a variety of environmentally friendly fertilizers as well. Our occasional soil audits enable us to detect any problems with soggy or dried out areas. Solutions include adding slopes or removing soil to adjust the flow. For larger flower gardens or rows of crops or veggies, we also help by monitoring drip irrigation or sprinkler systems. We can also take on additional watering upon request to lighten the load of the property owner.
* Watering
* Planting
* Mulching
* Crops
* Deep Cleaning
Our power cleaning service can include everything from sidewalks and the driveway to a garage, shed, patio, grilling area or fire pit, play area, or pool area. For upscale properties, we can also help with placing and maintaining outdoor lighting, whether along a walkway, driveway, or to highlight the exterior of the house. Services can be scheduled for weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly as well as for one-time and seasonal requests. You can request a free no obligation consultation at the property to determine your landscaping goals. Or, if you prefer, you can hire us directly through the GreenPal App!
We recommend you check out these trusted service providers for Lawn Care in Shawnee, Kanas, and Grass Cutting Service in Blue Springs, MO.
Recent landscape and relevant services finished in Kansas City, MO
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Need the leaves bagged from my lawn and grass weed eated around edges.
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Need the leaves bagged from my lawn and grass weed eated around edges.
Let's face it, finding reliable landscaping is difficult. Between scheduling and no-show time after time, it can be a real pain to keep up with your lawn maintenance needs. We have a solution.
Kansas City is known for many things, ranging from barbecue to art to sports to museums, along with being part of two states, Missouri and Kansas. Leading attractions are the National WWI Museum, Kansas City Zoo, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, and the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum. Current day sports attractions are led by the NFL Kansas City Chiefs and the MLB Kansas City Royals. Among the more than 40 colleges and universities within a 50 mile radius are the University of Kansas (located in nearby Lawrence KS) and the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
The humid subtropical climate results in the region receiving around four more inches of rain per year than the national average. There is a Winter season, however, with an average of 15 inches of snow. The range of temperature throughout the year typically is from the low 20’s on up to the mid-90’s. As you would expect, the climate has an impact on landscaping considerations.
There are a number of varieties of trees which fit the area, including several native flowering trees. These include the Red Buckeye, Flowering Dogwood, Eastern Redbud, Wild Plum, Pawpaw, and Fringetree. The Eastern Red Cedar is actually the only evergreen tree which is native to the Kansas City area. When it comes to “street trees” for residential areas, the best choices are the Trident Maple, Shantung Maple, and the Oklahoma Redbud. For larger properties or areas, the oak tree is native to Missouri and can grow up to 80 feet tall, providing a good deal of shade. Other shade trees which can thrive in the area include Baldcypress, Black Maple, Northern Red Oak, Post Oak, Yellowwood, and the River Birch.
When it comes to native plants, choices include the Butterfly Milkweed, Gray Dogwood, , Cardinal Flower, Prairie Coreopsis, Ozark Witch Hazel, and the Missouri Evening Promise. Native shrubs include the Leatherwood, Strawberry Bush, Wild Hydrangea, Indian Cherry, and Virginia Sweetspire.
For prairie areas, there are several kinds of grasses which can do well. These include the Indian Grass, Prairie Dropseed, Little Bluestem, Northern Sea Oats, and Big Bluestem. Perennials include the Butterfly Milkweed, Sky Blue Aster, White False Indigo, Butterfly Pea, Purple Coneflower, and Western Sunflower.
Native wildflowers include Hollyhock, Indian Blanket Flower, Paintbrush, and varieties of lilacs and lavenders. Many varieties of crops do well in the Kansas City area. For fall harvest, lettuce, spinach, radishes, and green onions lead the way, along with tomatoes, melons, sweet potatoes, peppers, and eggplants. For Summer planting, there is broccoli, cabbage, beets, carrots, and spinach. If looking to grow crops during cooler times of the year (40 to 50 degree temperature), cauliflower, parsley, beets, and carrots work well.
You can also grow fruit (and berries) in the area, including cherries, pears, nectarines, peaches, plums, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and grapes. Improved Meyer Lemons have also been known to do well in the region. Although pistachio typically comes from California, some growers in the region have been able to cultivate chestnuts, walnuts, and pecan. However, pecan trees (in particular) need to be planted in deep and well-drained soil, while having important water and cultivation requirements met in order to thrive.
GreenPal is here to make your life easier all across Missouri State. Maybe you're on the lookout for lawn care services in Springfield, Missouri? Or perhaps you're seeking a trustworthy yard care company near Columbia, Missouri? No matter where you call home, GreenPal's got you covered for all your lawn care needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Because the Kansas City MO region receives slightly more than the national average of annual rainfall, an irrigation system is not as necessary as desert and drought climates command. However, if your property contains crops or is large enough to contain numerous trees and plants, an irrigation system is huge for saving time and money on landscape maintenance. Irrigation systems range from sprinkler systems, which typically can be programmed, on up to an underground (installed) drip irrigation system. You may also wish to check with your home insurance agent to determine whether or not there are any advantages to consider.
Based on the amount of moisture throughout the year, shredded bark is commonly used and, fortunately, is often among the least costly of the mulches. Shredded bark is especially effective on sloped properties because of its absorption while breaking down more slowly than many other types of mulch. However, it is important to do your research when planning to mulch on your property. For example, in a garden area, a layer of mulch more than three inches deep can actually suffocate plants. On the other hand, if mulching around a house (or area without plant growth), wood chips are a good option.
The answer actually depends on the size of your property, especially the amount of space you have available for trees. The Green Giant has become more popular in recent years, along with Junipers, which are also dependable evergreens. These are good choices for smaller to medium sized yards or areas. Oak trees are typically the fastest growing, but can grow to as high as 80 feet while the roots spread. If considering for growing along a street, the Trident Maple is a solid choice.
Landscape maintenance is typically at an hourly rate, which varies between $30 and $150 per hour. Variables include the size and scope of the property, how much equipment is used, and the experience of the landscaping company. If considering a landscaping project, a typical spend is 10% of the market value of the property. Cost considerations may include landscape design, materials, delivery, construction, project management, and labor. There may be additional costs to consider, such as extra watering, drainage, and construction permits.
Prices vary depending on the size of your yard, the services you need, and the company you choose. Expect to pay between $50-$150 per month for basic mowing and edging. Additional services like aeration, fertilization, and weed control will increase the cost.
The ideal time for fertilization varies depending on your grass type and the specific product you use. Generally, cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass should be fertilized in early fall and early spring. Warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass should be fertilized in late spring and early summer.
Aeration is beneficial for compacted soil, which can prevent water and nutrients from reaching the roots. If your lawn is prone to compaction, you may need to aerate it once or twice a year.
There are many methods for weed control, including pre-emergent herbicides, post-emergent herbicides, and hand-pulling. The best approach depends on the type of weeds you have and the severity of the problem.
Planting native flowers and avoiding pesticides are some ways to attract pollinators like butterflies and bees.
Protecting your lawn from winter damage is important. Apply a winterizer fertilizer in late fall, clean up leaves and debris, and avoid walking on frozen grass.