Get Lawn Care in Jeffersontown, KY Today

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Jeffersontown, KY as of Feb, 2025
Baer's Lawn Services in Jeffersontown, KY
We are the landscaping and lawn care professionals Kentucky deserves! With over fifteen years of lawn service experience in the lawn care industry, we are more than capable of handling the biggest problems in your yard. Whether that is overgrown grass, problem trees, shrubs, weeds, or dead spots, Baer's Lawn Service is your premier choice for the best lawn care and lawn service this side of the Mississippi River.
We provide a range of lawn care services and lawn mowing services in Jeffersontown. For lawn care and lawn service work that is affordable, contact our lawn care company.
We handle around 10 to 15 lawns per week, but we are capable of so much more. We are looking to fill up a few time slots throughout the week, so reach out to us for cheap lawn mowing services, lawn care services, lawn service work, or even cheaper seasonal lawn mowing prices.
Getting lawn care in Jeffersontown can be expensive. It can also be hard to find lawn service in Jeffersontown you will really like. Jeffersontown lawn mowing services are best done by a lawn care company with years of experience.
Best of all, our lawn care company follows industry-leading practices. That means any lawn service or lawn care services you hire us are done following the highest standard of lawn care.
You can get these top-tier lawn care and lawn service work and lawn care services for affordable prices.
With enough time, we can take the worst lawns out there and turn them into a thing of beauty with our proper lawn care services. If you trust us enough for lawn care services, Wildwood Country Club itself would be jealous because of your grass. How would you like affordable lawn care services or cheap lawn mowing services in Jeffersontown, Kentucky?
We handle any lawn in any condition and provide quality lawn care services. Because we care about your lawn more than profit, we will work with you on bringing back your lawn to life. That being said, it has happened a few times that someone contracts us for cheap lawn mowing services or lawn service for grass way too short to cut.
Instead of ruining your lawn and taking an easy thirty bucks, we’ll tell you to wait a while to let the grass grow. Nothing on us or laziness, we just know how delicate grass can be.
If you trust us enough, we guarantee huge improvements to your lawn if you hire us for lawn care or lawn service treatments. After a while with our Jeffersontown landscaping services and lawn care services, you will wonder how you could stand your own lawn.
Call us today for affordable and quality lawn care services!
Brackett's Lawn Services in Jeffersontown, KY
Thank you for your consideration. When you contact me for lawn care services or lawn mowing services, I promise you quick and efficient lawn service care with great customer service. You are the priority when receiving lawn mowing services or lawn care services. We aim to make you happy.
If you are having problems getting your grass to the green you want or need some sort of lawn service work, I can do it for you. I have been providing lawn care services, mowing lawns, and providing reliable lawn maintenance in Jeffersontown, Ky since 2007.
When I started my own grass cutting and lawn care business, I wanted to do things a little differently. I had heard the stories of lawnmowers destroying yards, other lawn care workers not showing up, or people who hired a lawn service company and didn't get the results they wanted.
I didn’t want that to happen to me. I didn’t want my name to be a negative thing in people’s minds when it comes to lawn care and lawn service work. So, I make it a point to treat every customer like they are my only customer.
I make sure to provide quality lawn service in Jeffersontown. I make sure to provide affordable lawn care services in Jeffersontown. I ensure all the lawn care and lawn service work I do is done in a timely and professional manner.
Thanks to GreenPal, everyone who wants cheap lawn mowing services in Jeffersontown, Ky will see me and all my positive reviews from past lawn care and lawn service customers. I try to leave every house on a good note, and if that means calling my next customer to tell them they are late so be it.
I do mostly lawn mowings, but people contact me for leaf removals, tree and shrub pruning, and soil treatments. If you have something special in mind let’s talk about it. Even if you don’t go with me after we talk, at least you’ll know what you really need, not what a landscaping service in Jeffersontown thinks you need.
Over the past few weeks I have been in the eastern part of Jeffersontown, but I have been all over. Back when there was more grass and bushes at Plainview Office Park I used to take care of them too, so there is no reason to see me as a rookie. What are you waiting for?
Oerther's Lawn Services in Jeffersontown, KY
Want to be a part of the prettiest lawns in the city? Then you best hire the lawn care services in Jeffersontown that makes those lawns so pretty! You are in luck too, because you stumbled on the very lawn care services that are responsible for so many beautiful lawns.
For affordable lawn service work, contact our lawn service company. We provide lawn service solutions that produce beautiful outdoor havens. Get quality lawn service work today when you contact our company.
Even if you don’t have much of a lawn to hire a lawn service company for, reach out to us. With our lawn service experience and strategies, we can turn any old patch of dirt into a manicured lawn. It takes time, but there is no lawn out there that wasn’t improved by us. Every lawn we get our hands on has seen an improvement, even if they hired us for just a few lawn mowings.
Our mission is to beautify our home. If that is through cheap lawn mowing or a massive regrowth strategy we haven’t put together yet so be it. In the end we want your grass to outshine any of the parks in the city.
We actually succeeded in that in 2015. We were servicing six houses with reliable yard maintenance near Skyview Park in Jeffersontown throughout winter. When the grass at Skyview Park started to yellow, it was our houses that stayed green way longer. That is because we know how to handle grass when it started to get cold. And, as you know, it gets pretty cold in Jeffersontown.
We can’t do much when the snow really starts to fall, but up until then we can take care of your lawn maintenance no problem. Aren’t sure about hiring a dedicated lawn mowing service in Jeffersontown, Ky just yet? Try us out for a discount. Send us a pic of your lawn, contract us through GreenPal, and you’ll be on your way to the best lawn mowing for a low price.
Tanner's Lawn Services in Jeffersontown, KY
GreenPal has helped us so much with our business and we could not be more thankful! We knew we were doing right because our customers are always happy after we do our job, but it is hard to convince potential clients otherwise. We understand, but now that GreenPal lets our clients go on about our amazing lawn care, we have seen an explosion of new clients!
You can’t fake talent, and my talent for mowing sharp and clean is mine. I have practiced lawn mowing since I was a kid living in Blue Ridge Manor.
Maybe I wasn’t practicing how to mow lawns more than being forced to, but hey I was behind that mower almost every week cutting the grass, so practice is practice. Nowadays you won't find me with a sour look on my face. Call me crazy, but lawn mowing and weeding have become kind of therapeutic for me. I don't think about much when I'm on the mower, and when I put my music on I might as well be gone for good.
They say you can tell how a man feels about his job from the work he does, and I believe that. if you hire a cheap lawn mower in Jeffersontown that just does not want to be there, do you think he will go the extra mile to finish the job right? I don't think so. But if you have someone like me who wants to be there cutting your grass, you can bet that I won't mind doing a little extra to make your yard look even better.
That is what I can offer you. If it sounds good to you, then look for me when you schedule for lawn care. We go out to all of Louisville, but because we are from Jeffersontown we have a lot of clients here. but you will never know unless you reach out!
Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:
I’ve been trying to hire someone for lawn care services for AGES. Zach finally came through with a decent price for lawn care services and lawn mowing services. There are some local lawn mowing services in Jeffersontown that must think they have a monopoly… their prices are insane for lawn care services. Too bad for them though because I just signed a season-long contract with ZZZ Lawn Care. My yard looks so nice the manager at the Park Laureate Apartments close by started asking who my lawn care company was. Their lawn service work is excellent and they are always professional. I don’t know how they were before I found them on GreenPal, but as for their lawn care in my yard, they are the real deal.
A lot of the smaller neighborhood lawn care services in Jeffersontown, KY don’t even show up on Google. As far as I knew there were only like three corporations who took care of everyone’s lawn mowing in Jeffersontown. Then I get on GreenPal and see there are at least five landscapers near me in Blankenbaker Crossings! It was such a relief because I was about to pay $60 per mowing with a company I found on Google. GreenPal offered me free quotes on local lawn mowing near me and I took that without a heartbeat. I haven’t used anything else since!
This is a pretty clever service! Talk about finding your niche market. I actually used to work for one of the best landscaping companies in Jeffersontown. The hardest part was always getting new lawn service clients. We were required to walk the neighborhoods we serviced and put our business cards on the front door. It didn’t work great, but man having something like GreenPal would have changed my whole career choice. We found a cheap lawn mowing service in Hurstbourne Acres that has been doing well so far. Three appointments in and Ben has yet to fail me!
I will always talk a big game for lawn maintenance guys who take care of my yard right, but you better watch out if you screw me over. There are plenty of cheap yard maintenance companies in Jeffersontown that have seen my wrath on Yelp. But there are a few that have done me well, and I make sure to let everyone know. I used Greenway Landscaping to prune some trees and they have done a great job following up afterward. They are nowhere near Douglas Hills, but when I called them they happened to have a free afternoon and took me up on the job anyway. We walked through the yard together, Aaron took notes. And by the end of the day my yard was looking pretty again.
Not in Jeffersontown, KY?
Here are GreenPal’s lawn service areas
GreenPal is the internet’s fastest way to find cheap lawn mowing near you. With the same technology as Uber, GreenPal helps you find all the local lawn care services in Jeffersontown, Ky near you. We’re not talking a regurgitation of what you could find on Google. We are talking about the local guys who are walking the neighborhoods with their equipment. The two best friends who teamed up to form a landscape maintenance and spend their days mowing lawns. Those guys.
GreenPal can help you find the best deals because of this reason. If you have never worked for a yard maintenance service, the most popular way to get the word out about your company is through business cards and flyers. Thankfully, in recent years websites like Craigslist have made it easier for people to post their services and trades, but not everyone is a reliable lawn mowing service in Jeffersontown, Ky on Craigslist.
GreenPal makes it so much easier for these small companies to get the word out about their business. Instead of running around Jeffersontown posting flyers and hope people see them, we have brought the clients to them. By providing a platform for people in need of cheap lawn care near them we essentially brought the market to them. They’re looking for homeowners and business owners to service, and you are looking for a good deal on lawn maintenance. Some would call that a match made in heaven!
After taking five minutes to sign up for GreenPal, you will have access to every option for yard mowing, maintenance men, and general landscaping in every part of town. In fact, Landherr Estates just outside of Jeffersontown has almost seven vendors just in that area!
One of the best parts about GreenPal is that we place major emphasis on security. Unlike similar websites like Craigslist, we make sure every vendor is screened and certified in their state to run a business. We do this by asking for specific documentation, pictures, and information about their business. For instance, we ask ever local lawn mower and big-time landscapers in Jeffersontown to provide us with their statistics on repeat business, contracts, and one-time customers. It stands to reason that those lawn care services in Jeffersontown, Ky that have more repeat business are good at their job, at least likeable enough to rehire. But someone who has a string of one-and-done jobs might be a signal that their business practices are less than ideal.
How else can we make GreenPal better? Our review system is one of a kind, and it runs on a system that rivals Yelp’s. Unlike Yelp, each review is tied to one transaction, so we know for sure a person has a right to review a lawn care service. Otherwise, anyone with a few friends and a vendetta against a company could wreak havoc on them with bad reviews.
We put a stop to all that when we made sure a review was warranted and the client and local yard maintenance in Jeffersontown, KY interacted. That way we know for sure that every review is earned, whether bad or good.
How else can GreenPal help you with all your lawn care needs? The options for reliable lawn care in Jeffersontown, KY doesn’t stop at lawn mowing. For the most part, every company you will find near you will be an expert in more than just lawn mowing. Virtually any job needed in the yard, there is a skilled worker on GreenPal ready to help. How much easier can lawn care be?
Not in Jeffersontown ?
GreenPal also covers these nearby cities

West Chester
Forest Park
New Albany
White Oak
Bowling Green
GreenPal offers nearby lawn maintenance services in these Jeffersontown Zip Codes
Other areas GreenPal offers nearby Lawn Care
About Jeffersontown Kentucky
Jeffersontown is a city in Kentucky, United States.

Jeffersontown, KY, not to be confused with Jeffersonville in Montgomery County, is a major suburb of greater Louisville. In 2003, the Louisville metro government was established, and Jeffersontown remained to be an independent city. Because of this, Jeffersontown is the largest municipality outside of Louisville and inside Kentucky. Compared to other cities in Kentucky, Jeffersontown is a home rule class government, which means that it is not run by a mayor but a group of elected officials.
Originally, Jeffersontown was merely a stopping point for pioneers and travellers looking to get on their way to the Falls of the Ohio in Louisville. By the late 1700s though, farmers made the area a place to settle and cultivated the rich soil. Thomas Bullitt and John Floyd surveyed the land once the United States Government heard that people settled in Jeffersontown. In 1794, Abraham Bruner bought around 122 acres of land in what is now Jeffersontown. He successfully petitioned the courts in Jefferson County to incorporate forty acres of his own land to the city of Jefferson. Although Thomas Jefferson was the vice president of the time, it is unclear whether the town was named after him or the fact that the county was already named Jefferson. In fact, Jeffersontown used to be known by Bruner’s Town until usage moved to Jeffersontown.
Bluegrass Commerce Park, also known as the Bluegrass Research and Industrial Park, is the first such thing to be developed in the United States. It assumes just under two thousand acres of land and is home to almost 850 businesses. It employs 38,000 people and, because it is in Jeffersontown, the park makes the city the third largest employment force in the state.
Unlike many cities in the United States, Jeffersontown, KY is not run solely by a mayor. It also has eight city council members that are just as powerful as the mayor. Though the mayoral term is four years, council member terms are only two year long.
The census of 2000 ha Jeffersontown as having a population of 26,633 people. Of that number, there were 10,600 households and seven thousand families in the city. The density of Jeffersontown, KY is not high, as 2,675 people per square mile is an average number for the population of the city. The majority of the population is white (86.74%) with the next closest group being the African Americans (8.6%).