Get Lawn Care in Annandale, MD Today

Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Annandale, MD as of Feb, 2025
Jose Diaz Lawn Services in Annandale, MD
Our lawn care packages cover every level and budget that you might have. You can depend on our responsive and professional lawn service team. We are made up of highly trained local landscapers in Annandale that can keep up with your needs. No hidden fees, no surprise upcharges just to get you what you asked for in the first place. On average, our response team (on GreenPal) is within the hour, that is the beauty of the service. We can get your lawn mowed as quickly as the afternoon, depending on our availability. Usually, if we are free that day and we happen to catch your request, we will try to schedule you ASAP. That is just the kind of reliable lawn mowing service in Annandale that we are. Even if you are as far out as North Springfield, our team is more than capable of travelling to give you the best service. When you are ready to have a professional yard maintenance in Annandale come out to your lawn, make sure you call Jose Diaz!
Tameka Lawn Services in Annandale, MD
Straightforward lawn care, that is what Tameka Lawn Service is. You may not need fancy or complicated lawn services, just a good old fashioned trim up, we can do that for you. If you just want a tree removed or some shrubs pruned, that is exactly what we’ll do. We are more than capable of taking on the big jobs as well, like our recent request to make a citizen’s lawn as green as the fairways at the Army Navy Country Club. But we can handle the occasional trim and yard mowing as well.
Our promise to you is that we will never charge you more than what we agreed on. We do exactly what you want us to do, and we will do it to the best of our ability. Even if that means a quick lawn mowing in Annandale, we will give you the straightest trim and clean up you can get. I have been in the business for years now, I know that it might get annoying when local lawn care services in Annandale try to get you to spend more. Not us. While we do offer tons of great services, you know your lawn best, we trust your judgement. That’s what we can offer you, so please do not hesitate to reach out. We are ready for your service any day of the week.
True Lawn Services in Annandale, MD
True Lawn Care proudly serves D.C. and the surrounding area. We have been providing affordable lawn care services and affordable yard maintenance in Annandale for seven years now. We look forward to the next seven to come. If you want to fix your ugly lawn, pass over your lawn mowing chore, or need help with a landscaping project, we can help you.
I don't just do basic lawn care or offer cheap lawn mowing services in Annandale. Our lawn care professionals and landscapers will make sure your grass can handle the harsh winter and thrive during prime growing seasons. Our services have been requested by hundreds of customers over the years and our lawn service team has even worked for the city working in places like Loftridge Park.
Have you seen it when bigger companies work on your lawn and tear up the yard? We care deeply about you as a customer. We are serious about building a real business relationship with you and making sure you get the most out of your investment in us.
True Lawn Care provides affordable lawn care services and lawn mowing services in Annandale, Maryland. Our dedicated and professional workers always perform their roles in an effective manner. We use quality tools and apply solid lawn service solutions for you. Get affordable and the best lawn care services in True Lawn Care.
Affordable lawn service and lawn care in Annandale is a click away. Hiring our lawn care business ensures you’ll get great lawn care services and pay affordable prices. True Lawn Care will provide effective and affordable lawn care services in Annandale. Our many lawn service and lawn care services are done to help you save money and also enhance your outdoor spaces.
In addition, we provide the highest standard of lawn service and lawn care maintenance, but they’re also affordable. You don’t have to have big pockets to afford our services. All of our customers can enjoy the benefits of premium lawn mowing services, yard work, seasonal lawn care, and other lawn service solutions for a great price.
Whatever you hire our lawn maintenance business for any of our lawn care packages, we always deliver. The lawn care experts working for our lawn service company will provide you with customized lawn care services when you want them.
True Lawn Care delivers quality lawn care in Annandale and landscaping services for all kinds of properties. If you need maintenance or lawn mowing services, True Lawn Care provides reliable lawn maintenance all year. You can hire our lawn care business once or for ongoing upkeep without being forced to sign a contract.
If you need specific lawn care services, we can help. Services including aeration, seeding, sodding, and much more. Choose one or some of the lawn mowing services, landscape maintenance, and other lawn care services we have to offer.
We know it sounds weird to say, but we have heard horror stories. Just because you hire a cheap lawn care company or a cheap landscaper in Annandale doesn’t mean you'll get a good deal or good work. However, we offer affordable and experienced. We have even been told we provide one of the best lawn mowing services in Annandale. You will see that when you hire our lawn service team.
Whether we’re fixing your lawn or just handling lawn mowing services, we’ll make sure you’re properly taken care of. Hire True Lawn Care for any lawn service and lawn care work for your property. We would love to show you what we can do. So, please look out for our name when you call for lawn care services or a lawn mowing appointment on GreenPal.
Primos Lawn Services in Annandale, MD
Pablo has been running and operating his business for several years now, but he has been mowing lawns since he was young. He would help his dad with some work around the yard at home in Rose Hill. Now that he has become a local lawn mowing service in Annandale, he is dedicated to bringing the best out of your lawn. With his careful hand and dedication to using the best running tools available, your lawn will not be in better hands.
You can trust Primos with your yard throughout the year. Whether that be winter clean ups and fall leaf removal, tree and shrub pruning, or special projects, Pablo is your main line to great grass. Since he joined GreenPal, his reputation has only improved with great reviews and continuous rehires by trusting clients. It is safe to say that he is a guarantee for great customer service and results.
Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:
Courteous, respectable, quick are just some of the ways I’d describe Larry. Let me tell you, I am picky when it comes to the people who mow my lawn. I’m not standing there when they cut it or anything, but I make sure every corner gets cut if I’m going to pay for it. Larry’s team is a wonderful group of people to take care of my lawn care in Annandale, best I’ve seen from here to Lake Barcroft, that’s my honest opinion.
Ray Lawn Care is the absolute best lawn mowing service in Annandale! You’d think there weren’t many options so close to us but we found a few cheap lawn care services in Lincolnia that were willing to come out to us. They just happened to have their schedule open, so we got along really well and we stuck with them.
I was looking for someone reliable enough to stay for six months to do lawn care services and lawn mowing services. I couldn't find one lawn care business. Could last longer than one. When I told them I needed them for the long term, it was always “of course!” And then disappearing after that. Thank God I found a cheap and local lawn service in Landmark, I would have been sweating my on my own trying to figure it out.
There are a few companies these days that go above and beyond what you ask for. If you’re even considering a local lawn mower in Annandale to do the job, I would most definitely consider giving Steve a call. We had nothing but positive referrals to start with, and when we called he was completely okay with the fact that we were in Shirlington. Next day he was out and met us, nothing but good energy from him and a job well done. We are definitely hiring him again.
Not in Annandale, MD?
Here are GreenPal’s lawn service areas
GreenPal is your number one source for finding a reliable landscaper in Annandale. For your next job, resist the easy fix and to go to sites like Craigslist. You might find a good deal on cheap landscaping in Annandale, but is he verified? Does he have the insurance and permits to cut down a tree? These are all questions you need to ask him if you go down that route, but if you are on GreenPal everything is already taken care of for you.
When you sign up for GreenPal, you will have access to every local lawn mowing service near you. Washington D.C. has seen an explosion of our app and services, so much so we established an office right near Strathmeade Springs. However you want to spell it, GreenPal can bring you real, local results for the best lawn care in Annandale. In your part of D.C. alone, Mantua, Seven Corners, and Bailey’s Crossroads all have at least one dedicated company who can take over your lawn care.
What makes GreenPal so easy to use for a complicated thing like lawn care? For starters, we flipped the entire way the market works. Traditionally, if you are a homeowner looking to contract a lawn mowing service in Annandale, you have to go out looking for them. The lawn mowing services are out in the field all day, so good luck trying to reach them by phone. Leaving a voicemail (as Yelp has shown us) lets these companies miss your call, maybe forget to call back. But with GreenPal, they get a notification when someone is asking for a quote. That way, no message goes left unread, and everyone gets at least an estimate on their lawn care.
We make the entire process even easier for homeowners and local lawn mowing services in Annandale. When you log on to GreenPal to schedule a lawn mowing appointment, a few things are happening. First off, we let every local lawn care service near you know you are in the market for a cheap lawn mowing. Then, while you go about your day, these same companies are looking over your lawn via Google Maps to see if they can take on the job. If they decide to, they will reach out with their best free estimate on cheap lawn mowing in Annandale. After that, it’s all up to you to decide who you go with!
Not in Annandale ?
GreenPal also covers these nearby cities

Upper Marlboro
Glen Burnie
Dale City
Silver Spring
Owings Mills
GreenPal offers nearby lawn maintenance services in these Annandale Zip Codes
Other areas GreenPal offers nearby Lawn Care
About Annandale Maryland
Annandale is a city in Maryland, United States.

Like many of the small communities in Howard County, the blending of townships and towns in the area end up running together rather than distinct cities like the larger ones in Baltimore. That being said, Annandale is so close to West Friendship that the histories run together. The area was slowly developed as settlers moved west from the main thirteen colonies, and soon after the success of the American Revolution and the growing industries in America, land grants became common for affluent families with promising futures. That being said, the Warfield, Ridgely, Selby, Hobbs, Cross, and Cissel families created what is now known as Annandale and West Friendship. During the nineteenth century, the main road that ran through the area was filled with travellers who found an oasis of rest in the houses along the route. In 1887, the total population of the area was just fifty, but throughout the week the number would fluctuate to upwards of two hundred due to the sheer volume of travellers. By the time the Frederick Turnpike was built, the road, mostly travelled by horseback, became extremely popular and soon the area was slowly settled more and more.
The area was established to be a nice place to settle, and soon paved roads and automobiles filled the area. Once the West Friendship-Sykesville Road was established, it proved to be an even bigger push for people to settle in the area. By the time of the late forties in the twentieth century, events such as the Howard County Fair was held in the area, due to the the ease of access from smaller towns surrounding Annandale. Thankfully due to citizens dedicated to keeping the friendly atmosphere, there are strict zoning regulations in place that prevent large corporations and development conglomerates from building sprawling suburban communities, much like what happened to the rest of the state. Large farms and historic homes are dominant in the area, and the landscape’s soft hills are still seen and appreciated more than economic success. If you travel a few hours west, however, the story is different. In the Baltimore-Washington corridor however, the residential area is giving way to suburban development. Because of this, homes in this area are highly sought after by people looking to escape the busy city life, a factor that has made Annandale a popular place to settle down and raise a family.