Here are Best Lawn Care Services in Kent, OH as of Feb, 2025


Sunshine Group Lawn Services in Kent, OH

Hired 143 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.7/5.44 Reviews)

Your lawn is a live organism that needs to be treated like one. Some lawn service providers treat landscaping like fixing a sink pipe or unclogging a toilet. Unlike other home improvement services, taking little things for granted is a recipe for weed infestation, thin grass, brown patches, and even grass disease. Sunshine Group ensures you never have to worry about that.

Get quality lawn care services in Kent, Ohio, and Portage County from Sunshine Group today. This includes providing lawn care in Kent Park, King's Mill, and other local neighborhoods. We basically serve residents and commercial property owners near the Cuyahoga River.

When you hire us for lawn mowing services, we make sure that our work involves following the best landscaping practices. That means we're double-checking every corner of your property to see if underlying problems exist and doing things the correct way.

Essentially, we're making sure the perfect balance of water and fertilizers exists. We're checking to see if thatch buildup makes it harder for grass to grow. We're combing your grass to spot hidden fungus that'll wreck your soil. We're rooting out weeds and preventing them from ever showing up. There's a lot that goes into the lawn service solutions we provide.

If you're interested in more than just lawn mowing services, we have convenient lawn care packages you can purchase. Some packages offer the benefits of getting lawn care services like overseeding to repair patchy grass. Some packages include core aeration to enhance water intake. After checking out your property, we'll also offer recommended watering practices to prevent overwatering. We offer all of this and then some.

Sunshine Group offers so much flexibility and affordable options that spars you from having to do it on your own. Look at some work we've done near Kent State University and many other places in Kent, Ohio.

Contact us to get quality lawn care in Kent. 


3 Speed Lawn Care Lawn Services in Kent, OH

Hired 148 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.7/5.136 Reviews)

There's nothing like stepping onto a lush, thick, emerald green lawn. Grass that looks and feels like paradise. But, juggling a busy schedule and mowing your lawn every other week is not always easy. Let alone dealing with all the problems that might come out of your soil. Consider hiring 3 Speed Lawn Care for the extra helping hand.

Whether we're fixing your grass or keeping it well-trimmed, 3 Speed Lawn Care offers fast, quality, affordable, flexible, and reliable lawn mowing services in Kent, Ohio, or Portage County. Our lawn care services don't stop there. We also work in Tochi, South Kent, and basically all neighborhoods in the region.

The secret to a beautiful lawn is taking the right steps. Other factors like when you should be mowing, how often you should water your lawn, and what kind of fertilizer you use are just as important.

3 Speed Lawn Care always tailors our services. If you're getting lawn mowing services from us, we make sure to cut at the correct height. Some grass is like perennial ryegrass should be cut at 1 and a half inches. Rough bluegrass should be one or two inches.

Not meeting these requirements will likely cause grass damage. Hiring the wrong lawn care business can undue beautiful grass in just one day. Don't take that risk.

Not only are we knowledgeable, we understand the extremities and intricacies involved in caring for your specific grass type. Our years of glowing reviews and a solid reputation have benefited all our customers.

Plus, we offer contract-free and affordable prices for all our lawn care services. Whether you're getting lawn mowing services, yard work, weed control, or something else, you can expect our lawn care professionals to do it right.

We've done work near Kent Hall and many other places in Kent, Ohio.

3 Speed Lawn Care is your answer to better grass in record time. For lawn service in Kent that works, contact us today. 


Good Old Boys Lawn Services in Kent, OH

Hired 255 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.6/5.116 Reviews)

Lawn care is a seasonal job. Demand for lawn care services is higher in the spring and summer. Less work is needed as it gets colder. But, making sure you tend to your grass is extremely important if you want beautiful, green, and lush lawns. Sunshine Group can help.

Whether Good Old Boys is pressure washing, removing snow in the winter, or mowing your lawn in the sweltering summer heat, we offer affordable and top-quality lawn service solutions for all budgets, schedules, and properties.

We serve residential and commercial properties. We provide lawn care in Kent, Ohio, and Portage County. This includes South West Kent, Eastwick, and other nearby communities.

We offer a collection of lawn care services including edging, sidewalk cleanup, wet leaf removal, snow removal, lawn mowing services, and more.

When we mow your lawn, we'll make sure to bag or recycle your clippings. We never leave a mess. While demand for our lawn care services is high, we prioritize high-quality work.

Unlike other lawn care companies that stuff their schedules, we make it a goal to fit just the right amount of customers, so every job we do is done with careful attention.

If this sounds good to you, consider hiring Good Old Boys today. We've done lawn care work near Jessie Smith Nature Preserve and many other places in Kent, Ohio.

Hire a lawn care company in Kent that cares. Hire Good Old Boys. 


Together For Ever Lawn Lawn Services in Kent, OH

Hired 193 times on GreenPal
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(overall rating 4.7/5.121 Reviews)

Lawn care is either hard work or easy to do with no in-between. Depending on what your grass looks like right now, you're either scrambling to figure out why your grass looks like mashed potatoes or why the DIY video you tried isn't doing your lawn any favors.

Let's help make the world of lawn care a little easier for you. If you've reached your limit or even hate the idea of mowing your lawn and want professional help, consider Together For Ever Lawn. We offer premium but affordable lawn care services in Kent, Ohio, and Portage County. We also serve Brimfield, Marsh-Kent, and all local communities in the area.

Whether we're cutting your grass, rooting out weeds, or fixing "impossible" problems, we can guarantee a better-looking lawn. Our lawn care professionals implement a rigorous lawn service plan that guarantees better-looking grass in a short amount of time.

Of course, the lawn care services and the expected timeframe will vary. Your Ohio grass is different and will need its own special formula of aeration, fertilizing, seeding, mowing height, water exposure, and more.

For a reliable lawn service company you can trust, go with Together For Ever Lawn. We have affordable lawn care packages that you can purchase no matter your budget. Our accurate pricing practices will help you save money when you hire us.

We've done work near John Brown Tannery Park and many other places in Kent, Ohio.

Contact Together For Ever Lawn for the best lawn care in Kent. 

Here is what other GreenPal users have to say about lawn care near me:

(based on 948,831 reviews)
Evelyn Chandler yard cutting in Kent OH
affordable-grass-cutting-businesses-in-Kent-OH residential-lawn-cutting-businesses-in-Kent-OH lawn-care-services-in-Kent-OH lawn-care-services-in-Kent-OH lawn-care-services-in-Kent-OH

I'm incredibly impressed by the services I've gotten from Sunshine Group. It's probably the best lawn care company near me that I've hired. They've done a great job on my lawn near Fred Fuller Park.

Evelyn Chandler lawn mowing service in Kent OH
affordable-grass-cutting-businesses-in-Kent-OH lawn-care-services-in-Kent-OH lawn-maintenance-in-Kent-OH lawn-care-services-in-Kent-OH affordable-grass-cutting-businesses-in-Kent-OH

When I hopped on GreenPal, I didn't know what to expect. I figured there was probably no risk in trying them out. The minute I used it, I saw how easy it was to find a lawn service provider near me. I decided to go with 3 Speed Lawn Care. They have been outstanding. My property close to Al Lease Park looks fantastic, thanks to them.

Randall Cole lawn care in Kent OH
residential-lawn-cutting-businesses-in-Kent-OH grass-cutting-businesses-in-Kent-OH local-lawn-maintenance-contractors-in-Kent-OH affordable-landscaping-maintenance-services-in-Kent-OH lawn-care-services-in-Kent-OH

I'm really impressed with the lawn mowing services I've provided by Good Old Boys. They're definitely good at what they do, and my gorgeous lawn near is proof of that. Highly recommended!

Nina Estrada lawn care service in Kent OH
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My home near Fairchild Athletic Fields looks like something out of a beautiful background picture you'd see on a fancy travel website. The customer service and solid support I get from Together For Ever Lawn have been so worth it.